
Sally Weatherly

Since 2004, I've taught literally thousands of physics students to sky-rocket their IB Physics grades, in the most effective and efficient way.

5 Star Trustpilot review for GradePod's TrIBe Physics and particularly the help available for improving the scientific investigation.

The Official Guidance on the IB Physics IA Word Count

Hi Reader Your Physics IA has a 3,000 word limit - but don't worry, let me be very specific about where these words count. Title Page Do not include a title page or contents table. Your report should start with these three bullet points: Title of the investigation IB candidate code (or all group members' codes, if applicable) Number of words in your report (yes, the word count must be clearly stated right at the start!) Word Count When you are giving your final word count - not ALL the words...
The image promotes the TrIBe Physics course by GradePod, with a focus on identifying the most important IB Physics topics. The text in bold highlights "Most Important Topic in IB Physics" in purple and teal colors, followed by a message encouraging studen

The MOST Important Topic in IB Physics is....

Hi Reader Let’s dive right in! Ever heard of the Pareto principle? It’s this idea that 80% of your results come from just 20% of your efforts. Well, I’ve been living and breathing IB Physics since 2004 (yes, I remember the days when mobile phones were the size of bricks), and I can tell you, the Pareto principle is incredibly powerful when it comes to your exam prep in IB Physics. Here’s the secret 🤫Not all IB Physics topics are created equal. Some topics are weighted more heavily in the...
GradePod's IB Physics annotated data booklet has an animated GIF showing annotated pages from the IB Physics Data Booklet for exams after May 2025, with colourful handwritten notes and diagrams.

Annotating Your IB Physics Data Booklet (Why?? How??)

Hi Reader The IB Physics data booklet feels like it should be helpful, but it's somehow super confusing at the same time. I recently spent a couple of hours annotating the IB Physics data booklet (yes, really!) and it's a total game-changer. Trust me, this is something you’ll want to do as part of your individual study waaaayy before your exams. No matter where you are in your IB Physics journey - whether you've just started the course or exams feel like they're looming - taking the time to...
Sally Weatherly holding three fingers to the camera - each finger representing a super simple tip for staying calm, organised and motivated in the year ahead.

3 Quick Tips for a Strong Start this Year in IB Physics

Hi Reader School's starting again, and I want to make sure you have the best year possible. Given your exams are on 29 and 30th April 2025, that means there are 27 weeks until you'll be sitting in that exam hall, with your pen and calculator ready for action! I've recorded a 4 minute video giving you 3 super, simple tips to make sure you maximise those 27 weeks. 3 Tips for May 2025 Students Let's make this time count. Let's stay calm, organised and motivated in the year ahead. But Reader,...

[New] IB Physics Parent Guide: Your Secret Weapon for Success!

Hi Reader, Recently, I've had a bit of a revelation. My own kids have hit their teenage years, and wouldn’t you know it—they refuse to let me help them with their homework! Talk about irony, right? Here I am, practically a walking IB Physics textbook, and my own offspring give me the cold shoulder. In light of this, I’ve come to truly understand the frustration parents go through. So, inspired by my real-life experiences and my mission to make IB Physics accessible to everyone, I’ve created a...

Why is IB Physics So Hard?

Hi Reader If you’re like many IB Physics teachers, the fear of getting yet another HL class (and a new syllabus) conjures up images of late-night planning sessions and that perpetual feeling of “What on earth is going on?" Sound familiar? Well, let me tell you, Reader - you’re not alone! In fact, I remember my own early days of teaching IB Physics back in 2004. I had a plan, I thought I was ready, but then came that tidal wave of advanced problem-solving and exam questions that left my...

The ULTIMATE Guide To IB Physics Grade Boundaries

Hi Reader How many times has your child come home saying, 'I got my math test back and I was just one mark away from...'? I remember those days in high school, negotiating with my teachers for that elusive extra mark to bump my grade up. Now, as a parent (just like you, Reader), I can imagine how teachers must feel about students like I was — probably a bit annoying! 😂 But my passion for grades hasn’t changed; now I love helping others achieve their best. I often think that IB Physics grade...

The Latest on the IB Cheating Scandal

Hi Reader Whilst you're focussing on IB exams that are 44 weeks away... I thought you might be interested in how the IB have dealt with the great 'time-zone cheating scandal of May 2024" Let's break down what happened, the IB's response, and how you can stay focused on what you can control. The IB Cheating Scandal: What Happened? In May 2024, students across various subjects, including Maths, Business, Global Politics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Computer Science, shared exam details...

What Percent is a 7 in IB Physics?

Hi Reader If you’re like most parents, you're probably hoping your child is using the help available to them, when they disappear into their room to 'study'. Trust me, I’ve been there. I have teenagers too. You just hope they're not simply staring at their textbook thinking that the material will magically enter their brain and get them that 7 in IB Physics. Reader, you and I know that there's much more to be done to get top marks. Let’s start with a fun fact that might make you breathe a...

The Ultimate Guide to the IB Physics Syllabus (M25 Exams)

I'm not sure if you agree with me, Reader, but the IB Physics syllabus can feel like you're trying to decipher some ancient Rosetta Stone, only less glamorous and a lot more stressful. Well, I’ve got some news that might just lift your spirits. I've broken down the new IB Physics syllabus in a way that actually makes sense. Let’s just say, interpreting the syllabus doesn’t have to be a riddle wrapped in an enigma anymore. Checklist The first thing I did was simplify the whole syllabus into a...