The Physics of Santa Claus 🎅

Hi Reader

As the holidays approach, I thought it would be fun to explore a classic seasonal question:

How does Santa deliver presents to every child in one night?

Let’s break it down Santa's magic:

1. Santa’s Speed:

To visit every home in the world (around 2 billion), Santa would have to travel roughly 1,800 miles per second—that’s about 0.9% of the speed of light! Of course, at this speed, relativity comes into play, and Santa’s mass would increase dramatically. Perhaps his sleigh uses advanced propulsion based on Einstein’s E=mc²?

2. Reindeer Lift-Off:

Santa’s sleigh, with presents for every child, would weigh millions of tons. For the reindeer to achieve takeoff, they’d need to generate an incredible amount of lift—much more than their muscle power alone. Maybe Rudolph’s glowing nose is actually a source of electromagnetic thrust?

3. Time Dilation:

Thanks to relativity, time might slow down for Santa as he moves closer to the speed of light. For Santa, Christmas Eve could last much longer, giving him plenty of time to deliver gifts while only one night passes on Earth!

4. Quantum Mechanics:

What if Santa doesn’t physically visit every house but instead uses quantum tunnelling? It’s possible he "appears" in multiple places at once, delivering gifts without violating the laws of physics.

The holiday season is approaching and my Christmas inflatables are waving too to my neighbours (much to my teenager's embarrassment!)

If you need a little help mastering IB Physics one over the holidays, don’t forget about TrIBe Physics - it's here to make even the toughest topics feel like magic (with fewer reindeer and less embarrassing inflatables).

Best Wishes

Sally Weatherly

International IB Physics Specialist

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